Mai ararā te toi o Pūtauaki i runga nei
Mai ararā ngā wai o Rangitāiki e tere atu nei
Mai ararā a Awanuiarangi tangata tēnei e whanake atu nei
Whanake, eke, eke panuku, eke tangaroa e!
Kāti ake rā, ko te kauwae kua maranga ki runga i tēnei te ekenga a Ihumanea, a Ihu oneone ki te kōmata o angitū.
Tēnei mātou e whakanui nei, e pāho atu nei i tā Tania Waikato ekenga ki te tūranga ‘Tumuaki’.
We are thrilled to welcome Tania as a new Partner at Kāhui Legal. Tania brings an impressive array of experiences and achievements to our team.
With over 20 years experience, Tania’s expertise includes Employment Law, Health & Safety, and Civil Litigation, MACA, Resource Management, and issues related to Te Tiriti ō Waitangi and tikanga, especially concerning iwi and hapū. Tania has a conjoint Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts (Māori) from the University of Waikato, and she is currently completing her LLM at the University of Auckland. Her extensive legal career includes significant stints at top law firms in New Zealand and Australia
Her commitment extends beyond the legal arena—Tania is deeply involved in hapū resource management as a representative for Ngā Maihi from Te Teko and actively supports environmental and marae development projects through the Rangitāiki River Environmental Fund Trust.
A published academic author and a passionate community advocate, Tania also contributes to suicide prevention initiatives and enjoys creative pursuits ranging from Olympic weightlifting to documentary making.
Please join us in congratulating Tania on her promotion to partnership at Kāhui Legal. We look forward to her leadership and vision driving us forward. Welcome to the team, Tania!