Ko Porou koa! Ko Hamo te wahine koa!
Ko Tahu koa! Ko Hamo te wahine koa!
Nānā i tohatoha ki Niu Tireni ka hipoki!
Haere mai! Haere mai!
Haere mai te rongo pai kua eke nei tō tātou tangata, tō tātou pātaka iringa kōrero, iringa wānanga, ki Te Kōti Whenua Māori hei Kaiwhakawā!
Kōia rā ngā kupu nui ka waha mai ai mō te tpiua ko Nathan Milner, te kaitāwharau i a mātou o tēnei tari rōia, me ko Te Manu-Nui-a-Tāne e iri mai nā ki te Rangi hei tohu ora, hei tohu pai!
Whakanuia mai tēnei tangata hūmārie, Ngākau mahaki, whakaaro rangatira, nāwhai anō kua kōharia tēnei tipua kia whakamahana ai tērā tūru mana o Te Kōti Whenua Māori.
Koinā tā mātou, he mihi ki te tangata nuipuku o Porou, o Tahu.
We are ecstatic to announce that Kāhui Legal Special Counsel Nathan Milner has been appointed as a Judge of the Māori Land Court. This appointment is a reflection of Nathan’s formidable record and experience in Māori land law, trusts law, estates, commercial and contract matters, Māori Fisheries Act 2004 issues and disputes, legislative development and dispute management and resolution.
Nathan has been Counsel in the Māori Land Court, Māori Appellate Court, High Court, and Waitangi Tribunal. Prior to his admission he was Research Counsel for the Chief Judge of the Māori Land Court (who is also the Chairperson of the Waitangi Tribunal) and then as an Assistant.
This appointment is so well-deserved and while we are sad to see yet another staff member leave to become a Judge, we are thrilled for Nathan and his whānau. Judge Nathan Milner will be officially sworn in next month.


Level 11, Diabetes New Zealand House
15 Murphy Street

PO Box 1654
Wellington 6140

T: +64 4 495 9999
E: info@kahuilegal.co.nz


Level 1, GHA Centre
1108 Fenton Street

PO Box 1177
Rotorua 3040

T: +64 7 460 1360
E: info@kahuilegal.co.nz