E te iwi, mihi mai ki tēnei uri o Ngāti Porou, o Maniapoto, o Tainui Waka, o Te Aupōuri! We are pleased to announce that Rāhera Dyall-Heketa is joining our firm as an associate.

Nau mai, whakatau mai Rāhera ki tō tira hou. Tīkina atu tō hoe kia hoe tahi ai tātou te iwi Māori ki te wāhi i wawatahia rā i te hainatanga o te Tiriti. Ahakoa ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā, toitū te mana Māori, toitū te Tiriti.


Level 11, Diabetes New Zealand House
15 Murphy Street

PO Box 1654
Wellington 6140

T: +64 4 495 9999
E: info@kahuilegal.co.nz


Level 1, GHA Centre
1108 Fenton Street

PO Box 1177
Rotorua 3040

T: +64 7 460 1360
E: info@kahuilegal.co.nz