Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngāhere, ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao.

Last week we had the pleasure of awarding the Kāhui Legal Excellence Scholarship for 2024 to the very talented Katie Wells. He uri a Katie nō Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, me Ngāi Takoto.

This scholarship is funded by Kahui Legal and Taihonoa for the purpose of encouraging and financially supporting the successful pursuit of tertiary qualifications and leadership development for Kahui Legal.

Katie also won the Gordon Orr Prize for the top 200 level Māori student last year, a testament to her hard work and dedication to her studies.

Katie is currently studying towards her LLB (Honours) at Victoria University in Wellington.

Katie was an intern here with us at Kāhui Legal last year, and will be returning next month.

Katie is pictured here with Cecilia Tuiomanufili, Pouhere, Taihonoa Coordinator, Grants, Scholarships & Relationships at Te Herenga Waka and managing partner of Kāhui Legal Lynell Tuffery-Huria.

Kia kaha tonu rā i tō mahi Katie, kia eke ki te panikiretanga o te mātauranga!


Level 11, Diabetes New Zealand House
15 Murphy Street

PO Box 1654
Wellington 6140

T: +64 4 495 9999
E: info@kahuilegal.co.nz


Level 1, GHA Centre
1108 Fenton Street

PO Box 1177
Rotorua 3040

T: +64 7 460 1360
E: info@kahuilegal.co.nz